Sunday, 12 August 2012

Wairaakau Flora Mapou

Māpou: Myrsine australis Red Matipo

nDigestive: detox, mild laxative – boil leaves and small branches drink as a tea

Lungs and Chest: decongestant, dries up mucous membranes - boil leaves and small branches drink as a tea or have as an inhaler Mapou is used when Kawakawa not available
nKidneys and Glands: flushes kidneys and glands stimulating and improving immune system

Rongoa Maori Course

Tena Koutou Katoa, The Rongoa Maori Course is back after a wet and wild winter season, the property is pretty water logged and therefore unsuitable for safety and is why I haven't had the Course any sooner.
I have posted the up and coming dates so write them in you diary and contact me by e-mail as soon as possible to book in so you don't miss out. Looking forward to meeting you on September 8th. For information on the content of the Course please read the Maori Course Page

Mauri Ora