Mamaku: Cyathea medullaris
Black tree fern
nFeet: swollen and sore – bruise the pith and apply as a poultice
Eyes: inflamed and sore - bruise the pith and apply as a poultice
Skin: allergies, and white tail spider venom - bruise the pith and apply as a cold poultice or boil young fronds and use as a wash
chafing, burns, ulcers, wounds, cancerous lumps, boil, abscesses
nBreasts: mastitis – pulp young fronds and use as a cold poultice
nDigestive: used stomach problems, soothing effect acts like slippery elm, gentle laxative or for diarrhoea – boil young fronds drink as a tea or chew on the gel
nAssists with birthing: use only if delivery is difficult – crush young shoots mix with water and drink
Do not use Mamaku during pregnancy baby will abort !