Saturday, 28 April 2012

Wairaakau Flora Mamaku

Mamaku: Cyathea medullaris Black tree fern
Feet: swollen and sore – bruise the pith and apply as a poultice

Eyes: inflamed and sore - bruise the pith and apply as a poultice

Skin: allergies, and white tail spider venom - bruise the pith and apply as a cold poultice or boil young fronds and use as a wash chafing, burns, ulcers, wounds, cancerous lumps, boil, abscesses
nBreasts: mastitis – pulp young fronds and use as a cold poultice
nDigestive: used stomach problems, soothing effect acts like slippery elm, gentle laxative or for diarrhoea – boil young fronds drink as a tea or chew on the gel
nAssists with birthing: use only if delivery is difficult – crush young shoots mix with water and drink
    Do not use Mamaku during pregnancy baby will abort !

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wairaakau Flora Manuka

Manuka: Leptospermum Scoparium Tea tree
New Zealand tea tree is 33% stronger than the Australian tea tree
nLungs and Chest: Coughs, colds fluchest infections, mucous build up fevers - boil leaves, twigs and flowers when available as an inhalation or as tea with honey and lemon mixed in

Throat: infections and tonsillitis (natural antibiotic) soothes – Boil leaves twigs and flowers use as a gargle
nSkin: infections, wounds, rashes, acne, boils school sores natural antiseptic– boil leaves, twigs and flowers use as a wash or apply medicinal manuka honey

nKidneys: fluid build up in the body – manuka honey as a tea with lemon acts as a diuretic to get rid of fluid
nDigestive: gastric ulcers (destroys the bacteria) that cause this – manuka honey tea
Fungal infections: crush leaves, twigs and flowers soak in oil use as a lotion or use medicinal manuka honey and apply
Insect Repellent: throw manuka branches onto fire keep mosquitoes away or use as a lotion

Monday, 2 April 2012

Wairaakau Flora Kumerahou

Kumerahou: Pomaderris Kumerahou Gum Diggers soap
nLungs: Asthma, tuberculosis (TB), coughs, colds, bronchitis – leaves, flowers and young stems boiled in water, used as an inhalation or tea
Brain: headaches, depression, has a calming affectleaves, flowers and young stems boiled in water, drink as tea
Diabetes: Balances blood sugars
nBones and Muscle: arthritis, rheumatism, period pains – leaves, flowers and young stems pulped, heated as a poultice or boil as a tea
Bowel: a laxative - drink as a tea
nSkin: acne, heals cuts and wounds, rashes, sores, skin cancer – make a
decoction of leaves flowers and young stems use as a wash
Period pains: drink as a tea
Kidneys and Liver: flushes and detoxifies – drink as a tea
Digestive system: stomach ulcers - drink as a tea
nBlood and Glands: anaemia, tired and lethargic, blood disorders,  purifies the blood and rich in iron, energiser – drink as a tea