Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wairaakau Flora Kowhai

Kowhai: Sophora microphylla
nSkin: chicken pox, scabies, boils tumours, wounds, 
dandruff, ringworm, cuts, bruises, eczema and
dermatitis –  inner bark and outer rind
pulped and boiled in water. Used as a poultice or
mixed with fruit juice as a drink
nMuscles: Aching muscles, sprains– use a poultice as for skin
nBones: Hastens healing of fractures - boil leaves and use as a poultice only after bones have been reset
Sexually transmitted diseases: healing and cleansing boil the inner sap and use as a wash

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Wairaakau Flora Koromiko

Koromiko: Hebe stricta

nMuscles: general aches and pains – put leaves into hot bath
Skin: boils, abscesses, ulcers, acne and skin infections, wounds – boil tips in water use as a poultice or a wash
Brain: headaches – boil tips in water use as a tea
Digestive: stops diarrhoea, a laxative for constipation, soothes gastric problems – chew and eat tips only
nLungs: gets rid of phlegm – chew tips or have as a tea
Blood: aids in production of blood and purifier – chew tips or have as a tea
Fevers: reduces fevers - chew tips or have as a tea