Sunday, 26 February 2012

Wairaakau Flora Kawakawa

Kawakawa: Macropiper excelsum Pepper tree

Most commonly used rongoa, easily obtained

Skin: Nappy rash, eczema, psoriasis and scabies acts as an anti-inflammatory – bruise leaves and apply to skin

nDigestive system: Indigestion and stomach ulcers, a soothing agent that protects the mucous membranes and relieves irritation – boil water, add crushed leaves stand for 10 minutes then drink as tea
 Bones and Muscle: muscle and joint pain and swelling acts as an anti-inflammatory – boil crushed leaves in water, use as a poultice
Bowel: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and ulcerated conditions acts as a soothing agent that protects the mucous membranes and relieve irritation – boil crushed leaves stand for 10 minutes use as a tea
nBlood: Purifies, rich in iron and blood disorders – prepare as above
nLungs: inhaled for Asthma, tuberculosis (TB), coughs, colds, bronchitis – prepare as a tea
nKidneys and Liver: Flushes and detoxifies - prepare as a tea
 nFatigue or feeling run down: A natural energiser – have as a tea or cold drink
 First Aid: Bark used for dressing of wounds, swelling, lumps, abscesses and tumours

Wairaakau Flora Harakeke

nHarakeke: Phormium tenax New Zealand flax/alovera

Skin: Boils (drawing properties), burns acne and ulcers – gel used as a poultice
Digestive system: (very small amounts) Draws toxins from the body into digestive tract for excretion and acts as a laxative – drink extracted gel with fruit juice

Blood: Purifies for gangrene, sexually transmitted diseases, and cancer – poultice (pulp root),
Kidneys: Diuretic – drink extracted gel with fruit juice

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Wairaakau Flora Karaeo


Karaeo: Ripogonum scandens Supple jack vine


Skin: wounds, burns, acne, eczema, ulcers, npsoriasis and scabies – use fluid from young shoots for wounds and burns. Crush root, apply directly to bleeding a wound or skin problems or crush root, place in water, boil and drink as tea or cold with fruit juice
Kidneys: fluid retention (flushes kidney) – make a tea or have with fruit juice
Liver: detox tonic – flushes out toxins

Blood: cleanser an energy booster after surgery, a cold or the flu or antibiotics - crush young roots  
and berries add fruit juice
nDigestive: hydration, get rid of worms, laxative - chew young shoots or drink fresh sap

Muscles: rheumatic and aching swollen joints - pulp young shoots apply as a warm/cold poultice